Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A picture of my new kicks that I bought for a couple of days ago. Now I'm of to an important meting.

Oooohhyess finally its back I almost given up hope but here it is in all its beauty THEM-THANGS

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Awesome fitting video for Raf Simons 2010 Spring/Summer.
The film was directed by Pierre Debusschere and is just the first part in this ongoing campaign

Monday, January 25, 2010

I´ve had a really slow day today. Sitting by the computer editing some images. Went for a walk and bought me some new sneakers. Yeapp thats pretty much it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Its been a nice weekend great weather and some sweet partynights. I went out and saw all the tourist things you have to se. Big Ben, London eye and all that stuff. Friday night I meet up with some really old swedish friends that I haven't meet in a long long time. It was super cool drank a couple of beers together and then I headed over to a karaoke bar and drank some champagne and got hammered. Saturday me and my roommates went to our french friends and eat a really good meal. Drank a couple of beers and had a great time. Tomorrow waits an exciting meeting wish me luck.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I am seriously thinking of applying to London Collage of Fashion. Studying for three more years. Think that would be awesome there´s nothing as good as studying learning new shit and getting better on old. Hmm this is a real nut to crack...
Do you now anyone who has studied there please give me a shout would love to know a little more before I am applying.
This is the course I wanna go to

Thursday, January 21, 2010

This is my cosy little workspace at home in my little room. Went to Ikea again yesterday I had to by a new bed. Couldn't sleep in the other it was way to hard almost felt like sleeping on a rug on the floor. I will take some photos of the place where I live and post so y´all back home can see my luxury apartment/room.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So if you want to follow my blog just click the link and it will all be take care of.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It´s been a while since I was in the studio shooting. This wast the last thing i did before I moved to London. Think I´m going to email some model agencies over here and se if we can do something together.
Working on this set was: Photo: Linus Morales, Make&hair: Heidi/swedenmodels, Model:Kajsa/swedenmodels Styling: Amanda Davies

I am trying to figure out and learn this film editing program. I think that can have its advantages as a photographer. So here comes my first film clip ever that I have edited and playd around with. Its a backstage clip from the Dr.Martens shoot with Nick and Noisettes

Monday, January 18, 2010

So I had some time over today to do some photography. The papers that I bought come to use. I started to build my little studio setup in my room. Took this picture of a little Munny figure. Pretty amazing what you can do with some papers and a little sigma flash. I wanted to give the object a nice 3d feeling and I think it worked out pretty well. Can you tell if its 3d or not?
My roommate is actually building this little Munny character in 3d and his going to do some short films with it. You should check it out 2 cool 4 economic school

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nothing cures a bad hangover as good as big box filled with meat. Seriously this was
the biggest portion ever and still its the small on there menu. It was mission
impossible to eat it all and the great kebab defeated me some where half way trough it.
I where out partying with my roommates last night. We got really hammered.
Feeling like shit today but hey. it's 7° and sun outside. spring is coming!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Me and my roomies whent down town today to check out a store called cass art and to
by some papers and pens. I bought some papers so i can shoot some still life at home.
I also found this awesome fashion origami set cant wait to fold some high heels.
We also grabbed a double chicken cheeseburger whit some xxxxtra spicy souse.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The second picture from my photo project that I was telling you about before.
Today its funkyfreshfriday that means that is time for me to open my first beer.
Anyone got any tips what to do a friday in London?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Early morning taking the buss to Holborn Studios.
Time for a new day assisting Nick on his job with Dr.Martins.
Today his shooting a band called Noisettes. I meet allot of nice people.
It was really good fun as you say over here. Nick got some supercool shoots.
The singer Shingai Shoniwa was awesome in front of the camera and really worked it.
You should definitely click on the youtube clipp underneath and check it out. They rock!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It was a coincidence that I saw on facebook that a photographer that i got to know
in NYC where her in London. I gave him a shout and it turns out
that his here doing a job for Dr.Martins. The next thing I know I´m on location
helping him out and assisting him. It was great day and really nice to get out of
my small little room to smell the action. Tomorrow I´m going to help him out in studio
with some more shooting. You shuld really check Nicks homepage out.
He has a really nice styel in his photos and I think his really talented.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have this little project that I´m working on. The thought is that I should take pictures on different weapons. It could be everything from guns to knifes baseball bats and so on. I want to show it in a clean and graphic way and I really want to show the items character with all of its scratches and roughness.
This is the first one out. I have some trouble with blogger and showing larger images but I will do a repost of the image as soon as I´ve taken care of that problem.

Today I really haven't done much. I took the subway down town to by me some papers and pens so I can draw and sketch again. England seems to have allot more christmas decoration than we have back home. At the moment I´m just waiting for a email so I can start my internship. I hope it falls down in the mailbox soon. Starting to get restless around here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

So I took a little sunday trip today down to Shoreditch and Brick lane. I really liked the place and it kind of reminded me about Brooklyn Williamsburg. There where allot of secondhand stores and other sweet boutiques. I found my self a supernice t-shirt that I had to by. Think I am going to take allot of trips to brick lane and really explore the shit out of that place. Note to myself bring my camera.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

This is my portfolio online.
Maybe you have seen it before maybe not. No matter what i think you should check this shit out. If you don´t want to browse through it you can easily download it over here and check it out like a pdf.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Idag drog jag mig in till stan. Dags att fixa ett telfonkort så ja kan ringa och framför allt bli uppringd. Så jag tog mig in till stan och tänkte vad bättre än att hoppa av på piccadilly och checka av att ja sett de med. Väl där gällde de att hitta en o2 butik som sålde kortet ja skulle ha. Traskade runt runt runt och konstaterade att Londons stadsplanering verkligen är helt idiotisk. De verkar inte ha något system alls på gatorna osv. Efter många om och men så lyckades jag hitta en buik och fick tag på ett kort så nu kan ni alla nå mig på +44 75 232 917 11. Det bästa av allt är ju den magiska iphonen och kartor. tror den kommer rädda mig många gånger att hitta i denna stad.

This is another great artist that I think you should check out. Her name is Jen Stark. She cuts, tears and folds paper in different shapes and colors and its just awesome.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Idag var jag hemma i Sverige en snabb vända. Eller de kändes iaf så. Jag åkte till Ikea för att köpa lite prylar som ja saknat typ handduk, täcke, påslakan och så klart köttbullar och Delicatobollar. Mitt största mål med Ikea turen var egentligen att hitta en säng . De börjar bli lite obekvämt att sova i en lite klippan soffa nu. Sängar hittade jag i massvis dock lite svårare med transport. Ska väl dra dit på lördag igen och se om ja kan lösa de då. Så tills dess får jag nöja mig med soffa.
Just want to give you at tip. Check this dudes artwork out. His name is Dan Hiller and he does the coolest drawings ever. Cant wait to by me one of his drawings.

i have noticed that i have allot of readers from around the world so i will try to do some of my posts in english so all of you goodfellas around the world can follow me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

London verkar fint av de lilla jag sett och då har ja inte hunnit med att se mycket. Så jag antar att jag har en minst sagt intressant period framför mig. Tydligen ska de även vara den kallaste vintern här på 100 år och den mesta snö de haft på 20 år. Vet inte riktigt hur vädret brukar vara i London men speciellt kallt är de inte och sådär jätte mycket snö är de inte heller. Bilden är tagen ifrån mitt rums fönster.


Då var jag tillslut framme i London. Efter en liten försening på flygplatsen en tågresa och några tunnelbane stopp så sitter jag nu här i en soffa på mitt nya rum. Har precis kärngt en pizza och druckit en vodka juice i köket med mina nya roomies. Riktigt soft. Nu är jag riktigt trött och soffan väntar. På lördag ska jag dra till ikea och köpa mig en säng. Sleep tight dont let the bedbugs bite.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Som vanligt hjälper lilla Bella mig att packa. Men igår mitt i packande lyckades hon få i sig en 3m lång sytråd och började må lite funky. Ringde djursjukhuset och de va snabba ryck som gällde. De är tydligen inte alls bra att äta sytråd. Efter en spruta kräkmedel och en timmes hulkande så var tillslut hela sytråden ute. De blev en dyr tråd men nu mår BellaBella fint och hjälper mig igen med den sista packningen.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nedräkningen har börjat. Tiden känns knapp och de är bara enstaka dagar kvar innan jag åker. Imorgon gäller de att packa packa packa. Nu väntar en promenad med Bella. De är helt sjukt hur mycket jag kommer sakna henne.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Två bilder jag tagit i NYC när jag var där och hade min första praktik period. De flesta har inte sett så mycket av mina andra bilder än mina modebilder. Så här kommer lite annat. Hoppas ni gillar dem.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Så då var de nytt år. De firades med dunder och brak.